
Bitfinex Exchange Data

Historical OHLC Price Data includes Volume

We track and produce files for Daily, Hourly, and Minute(!) time series pricing data for the spot/physical market across the US Dollar (USD), Euro (EUR), British Pound (GBP), and Japanese Yen (JPY). Each file is easily downloadable in CSV format and can be consumed automatically by Python scripts or other automated processes. In each file, you will find the below/following fields. This OHLC (Open/High/Low/Close) pricing data is updated each day. Please reach out if you find discrepancies or errors in the data that need to be addressed

  • Unix Timestamp - This is the unix timestamp or also known as "Epoch Time". Use this to convert to your local timezone
  • Date - This timestamp is converted to NY EST Standard Time
  • Symbol - The symbol for which the timeseries data refers
  • Open - This is the opening price of the time period
  • High - This is the highest price of the time period
  • Low - This is the lowest price of the time period
  • Close - This is the closing price of the time period
  • Volume (Crypto) - This is the volume in the transacted Ccy. Ie. For BTC/USD, this is in BTC amount
  • Volume Base Ccy - This is the volume in the base/converted ccy. Ie. For BTC/USD, this is in USD amount

  • Data Map for Available Bitfinex Daily and Hourly Symbols

    Symbol Timeframe First Date Available Last Date Available File Link
    Symbol Timeframe First Date Available Last Date Available File Link

    Data Map for Available Bitfinex Minute Symbols

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    Historical Trade Prints

    Every transaction, regardless of size, takes place between a buyer and a seller and is recorded with the timestamp at which it occurred. These are actual historical trades; and these "trade prints" are made available below. Due to the sheer amount and size of the files, we compress the files across quarterly timeframes. Please reach out to us if you are looking for access on a more frequently updated basis.

  • Unix Timestamp - This is the unix timestamp or also known as "Epoch Time". Use this to convert to your local timezone
  • Date - This timestamp is converted to NY EST Standard Time
  • Symbol - The symbol for which the transaction took place
  • Price - The price at which the transaction occurred
  • Amount - The amount in transacted ccy which occurred. Ie. For BTC/USD, this represents BTC transacted
  • Type - Will be either a 'Buy' or a 'Sell'. A 'buy' represents market participant placing a 'buy order' at best available market price (Lowest Ask Price). A 'sell' represents the opposite; a market participant executing a market order to sell at the best available price (Highest Bid Price)

  • Data coming soon
  • Historical Order Books

    Orderbooks are captured by taking a snapshot of the market limit orders for both buyers (bid) and sellers (ask) ~ 10 minute intervals.
  • No data currently available.
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